SAHIBBA® Kanak-Kanak .Sahibba Kanak-kanak designed around the story of ‘The Adventures of Alif & Wany. This item is suitable for kids 5 years old and above. It plays in Bahasa Malaysia language. In this new version, there are more fun and learning features into the game play by introducing flash cards and a story book, apart from just the two pieces of playing boards. Children also can learn spelling, cognitive skills and problem solving. They also can improve their vocabulary and at the same time improve social interaction skills by playing with others.
- 2X playing board
- 1X set of lettered tiles
- 1X story book
- 12X flash cards
- 1X instruction manual ( Bahasa Malaysia )
- 39.5 cm (L) X 24.5 cm (W) X 4.5 cm (H)
Suitable for ages 5 years old & above.
SKU Code : SPM204
Packaging Weight : 550 gram
Volume Metric Weight : 1.5 kg
NOTE : Packaging Weight is a rough estimated packaging weight include wrapping and boxing. Each product wrapping may vary in weight. Packaging Weight or Volume Metric Weight may be heavier than actual product weight in order to accommodate delivery requirements.
WARRANTY : Warranty period is within 14 days after received the item